are not always enough!

In English there is a saying called “Murphy’s Law”  Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". And this was certainly the case when with good intention we together with our chosen partner for this assignment, International Medical Corps, we arranged to sent 200 Water Survival Box's to the Philippines. They were being sent to meet the humanitarian disaster caused by the Taal Volcano Eruption.

To maximise its effectiveness Water Survival Box aid is airlifted to its destination and on the 30th of a January 2020 the shipment left our depot. Arriving in country for distribution on the 10th of February. And this is where MR MURPHY showed it’s ugly face. This started with the time it took to clear the aid through the local authorities. Even using local brokers this took 17days ( from the 10th to the 27th of February) Then just as the broker had negotiated the release of our boxes the first case of the Covid-19 Pandemic started in the Philippines. This of course put the whole process of releasing freight onto a new level. Including changing of brokers quarantine restrictions and changing of government personnel dealing with the release of the shipment. Inevitably this lead to questions related to Duty Exemption, and a Declaration of Abandonment for by this time months had gone by and we were now despite all our efforts into July and looking at being charged for storage of boxes that for months we had been trying to get released..

So to cut a very long detailed story short, thanks to the unceasing dedication of staff at the International Medical Cops in October the boxes have been released  to people in need., as can be seen by the photo, unfortunately “Good intent is not always enough”

Thank you for raising funds as your aid has been instrumental in providing 10 liters of safe drinking water per person each day and will provide for a family of five for up to five years. Giving this family and families like them hope for the future

                                     Watersurvivalbox Ltd Company No. 5903142 - Charity Commission Reg. 1116432  © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved.  |  water survival box